Amanita curtipes

Amanita curtipes


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Not evaluated Data deficient Least concern Near threatened VULNERABLE Endangered Critically endangered Extinct in the wild Extinct
Assessment info
Habitat and Ecology
Use and Trade
Conservation Actions


Scientific name

Amanita curtipes


E.-J. Gilbert


Amanita baccata (Fr.) Gillet fma. minor Bresadola,
Amanita curtipes E.-J. Gilbert fma. pseudovalens Neville & Poumarat

Assessment info

IUCN Red List Category and Criteria

Vulnerable D1

Date assessed

November 2020


Tofilovska, S.


Kost, G.


Karadelev, M.

Rusevska, K.


Miskovic, M.


The species is found in pseudomaquis located only in the south-eastern part of the country where it appears in association with Quercus coccifera. The probable total number of sites is guesstimated to be between 10 and 20 while the number of mature individuals is estimated at ca. 200-400. The population trend is stable in view of the fact that the species habitat is not exposed to any threat whatsoever. It is a small population with restricted distribution; therefore, the species is assessed as vulnerable according to the D1 criterion.


Current population trend



Amanita curtipes is reported as an extremely rare species; not only does it occur at only few sites, but also one observation per site is recorded. According to the instructions for estimation of mature individuals provided by Dahlberg and Mueller (2011), an estimate can be made of ca. 200-400, based on the probable total number of sites in the country (ca. 10-20), the estimated number of functional individuals at each locality (estimated to be two), and the template of how many mature individuals each reproducing genotype may give rise to (the template used ten). The population trend is stable given that in the latest Biodiversity Action Plan, the species habitat is indicated as not being exposed to any threat.

Habitat and Ecology


3 Shrubland
3.8 Shrubland – Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation

Habitat and Ecology

Тhe species has been reported only from the Mediterranean region (Algeria, Morocco, Corsica, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal) in association with Q. ilex, Pinus pinaster and Cedrus atlantica (Castañera 2016, Díaz 2016). In North Macedonia it occurs in pseudomaquis located only in the south-eastern part of the country where probably it establish mycorrhiza with Quercus coccifera, on silicate substrate.

It is an extremely rare species, recorded at only two sites, in the hilly biogeographic region Pogana, at an elevation of ca. 150 m. Most probably the species is dispersed across the area of pseudomaquis in the country, provided by Melovski et al. (2019). The probable total number of sites is guesstimated to be 5 to maximum 10 times higher than the current number, resulting in ca. 10 to 20 sites. The sporocarps emerge in late autumn.

Use and trade

Use and trade

It is an edible mushroom but not well-known so it is not harvested. It can be confused with the deadly poisonous Amanita verna.



Amanita curtipes distribution is restricted to a small area in the country, in the pseudomaquis. Nonetheless, there is no major threat of reduction or destruction to the suitable habitat.

A potential threat is the increase of fire intensity or changed land use.

Conservation actions

Conservation actions

Conservation needed: The already known locations should be protected against any disturbance, such as utilization of the ectomycorrhizal partner or changed land use.

Research needed: Regular monitoring on a yearly basis, field research at possible sites, and study on effects of longer periods of droughts.



Castañera, V. 2016. Amanita curtipes E.J. Gilbert. Revista de Micología “YESCA” 28: 71-74.

Dahlberg, A. and Mueller, G.M. 2011. Applying IUCN red-listing criteria for assessing and reporting on the conservation status of fungal species. Fungal Ecology 4(2): 147-162.

Díaz, J.A. 2016. Algunas especies de macromicetos presentes en un jaral de Cistus ladanifer L. en el municipio de A Rúa de Valdeorras (Ourense, NO península ibérica) III. MICOLUCUS 2016(3): 7-20.

Index Fungorum Partnership. 2020. Index Fungorum. Available at:

Melovski, Lj., Jovanovska, D. and Hristovski, S. 2019. Landscape diversity in North Macedonia. Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment 21(1-2): 35-64.

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. 2018. National biodiversity strategy and action plan: for the period 2018–2023. Support to the Republic of Macedonia for revision of national biodiversity strategy and action plan and development of the fifth national report to the convention on biodiversity. Ministry of environment and physical planning, Skopje.

Sugny, D., Beirnaert, P., Billot, A., Caillet, M. & M., Chevrolet, J.P., Galliot, L., Herbert, R. and Moyne, G. 2013. Liste rouge des champignons supérieurs de Franche-Comté. Publication commune Fédération Mycologique de l’Est, Conservatoire National Botanique de Franche-Comté et Société Botanique de Franche-Comté, LUNÉVILLE, imprimerie PARADIS.